Size of Baby? Savannah Jane is the size of a grapefruit! She's approximately 1.5lbs and close to 12 inches!!! She's getting so big =)

Maternity clothes? Still a mix for tops and dresses, but my work pants are all maternity!
Sleep: Totally hit or miss, sometimes I feel sleep deprived and that's just not fun. Thankfully our trip to the beach helped me get caught up. Sleeping in until 9 will make a preggo girl feel like a new person!
Best moment this week: Feeling all of baby girls' kicks, melts my heart!
Miss Anything? While on vacation I really missed having a drink with dinner.
Movement: Yes, tons of kicks and flips! At the ultrasound 3 weeks ago, they informed us my placenta is right in front of baby girl. So it's acting as a cushion/pillow for her, making it harder for me to feel her move. The doctor said it's completely normal. Glad to know why I couldn't feel her earlier on!
Food cravings: Anything really. I have been SO hungry lately! SO HUNGRY.
Food cravings: Anything really. I have been SO hungry lately! SO HUNGRY.
Anything making you queasy or sick: My sense of smell has gotten me sick a few times :-/
Gender: Little baby GIRL!
Labor Signs: No, hopefully not for a while.
Symptoms: My back has started aching over the last week or so which is not exciting. My legs have also been getting swollen by the end of the day. All the normal stuff!
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Mood: Fairly decent! I had a little 24 hour bug right before we left for Florida, but other than that I have just been so excited and happy!!
Mood: Fairly decent! I had a little 24 hour bug right before we left for Florida, but other than that I have just been so excited and happy!!
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