Monday, April 29, 2013

Mother's Day Gift Idea's

I have to say I am so excited to celebrate Mother's Day this year! It will certainly be very special as it is my first year being a mommy. I am really looking forward to spending time with my husband and sweet daughter! Savannah Jane is such a huge blessing in my life, I am so grateful to be her mom! 

With that being said, I know how hard it is to come up with gift idea's for that special lady in your life. And with only two short weeks to pick up your gifts - here are a few hot item's you could go with!
Mother's Day Gift Idea's

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

THE Healthy Cookie .. No seriously!

I know what your thinking, there is no way - healthy cookie? Okay, but there is my friends! Of course I found the original recipe on Pinterest and gave it a whirl. I felt as if I would be committing a crime by not sharing this ladies. I modified and added a few things to make it my own. Here we go!

-3 large old bananas
-2 cups of quick oats

-Vanilla Extract
-Handful of Craisin's
-Handful of Chocolate Chips
-Spoonful of Peanut Butter

Mix the bananas and oatmeal together with a fork
Add in your extras! 
It makes around 20 cookies. Don't forget to spay your pan! Bake for 12 minutes on 350 degrees. 
And that's it! Yes, it's healthy and SO easy! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Baby Essentials - Month 2!

Baby Essentials - Month 2!

Baby Essentials - Month 2! by kneal0503 on Polyvore

1- Boon Grass Drying Rack - Let's be honest here - if you have to have a drying rack laying out in your kitchen for everyone to see, wouldn't you rather have this super cute one? Not only do I use ours for bottles, but it holds my pump pieces as well. I would recommend getting the tree and flower accessories too. They are perfect for the smaller pieces! Thankfully, it doesn't take up as much room as others I have seen.

2 - Little Snugabunny Swing - Savannah didn't LOVE her swing until she was about 6 weeks old. Now I can put her in the swing and she just gazes at the mobile and is completely content so I can do little things like make the bed, start laundry and make a cup of coffee (or 7945). 

3 - Sleeper - When your pregnant, you have big plans of exactly what you are going to do once baby gets here. Well, let me just say - 9 times out of 10 that plan goes right out the door! My hopes were to have her sleep in the bassinet part of our Pack N Play, but that didn't work for us. Thankfully, my sister in law passed along this Sleeper. It is slightly inclined for reflux and it has a deep seat for her to feel nice and secure. She stills sleeps in it every night. We are currently in the process of transitioning to the crib by having her take naps in it during the day. Hopefully by the time I am back to work she will be in her nursery! *Fingers crossed!*

4 - Baby Einstein Activity Mat - One word for this mat = AMAZING! Girlfriend fell in LOVE with this mat one day we were hanging out at her cousins house. I'm talking completely mesmerized! So Savannah's grandmo searched high and low for this thing and now it hardly ever turns off. The star in the center flashes lights and plays music, plus it has a million other toys around it. MUST have in our house...

5 - Gas Drops - These things are a life saver! We don't use them as much as we did, but they help with Savannah's gas pretty much instantly. Who knows if they really work, but mentally I'm convinced! Our pediatrician also recommend us adding these Vitamin D drops to one bottle a day. These are a must for breastfed babies! Who knew?

6 - Baby Einstein DVDs - I picked up two of these Baby Einstein DVD's in hopes to have something else to entertain with and it worked! Savannah sits in her bouncer in front of the TV and swings her little arms and legs all over the place. It is the cutest thing ever! 

7/8 - Munchkin Sound Machine & Travel Cloud b Sleep Sheep - We have the travel Sleep Sheep that goes right on the car seat. It is completely fabulous! Anytime we go anywhere, it is turned on and up loud. It's also important to have a sound machine that plugs in (unless you want to wake up and turn it back on every 45 minutes!) for bedtime. We got this Munchkin sound machine that is also a projector which will be useful once she gets a little older! LOVE LOVE both of these. 

That's it for our month 2 essentials! Happy Monday!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Baby Savannah - 2 Months!

Weight: We don't go to the doctor until Tuesday, but I'm thinking you are at the 11 pound mark!

Medical Issues: Just the acid reflux. You are taking a medicine for that 2x a day and it has helped SO much!

Sleep: You are sleeping so great sweet girl. Your daddy gives you your last bottle at 10PM and you are waking up around 5-5:30AM. No complaints here! 
Clothes: 0-3 months! I packed up your newborn clothes right around the 6 week mark. Your growing so fast!

Visitors: The regulars! aka our families. You even got to see Aunt Meg which was a real treat. 
Diet: 100% breastmilk! Thankfully we haven't had any issues where we've needed to supplement with formula.

Baby Gear Love: Baby Einstein DVD's (you sit in your bouncy seat and just kick your little legs and flail yours arms - sweetest thing EVER!), your Snugabunny swing, and your NEW activity mat from Grandmo that you are memorized by!
Crying: This has changed so much, thankfully! You typically only cry when your tired, hungry or have a dirty diaper.
Likes: You love being held and snuggled, your really liking your baths now (you just hate putting clothes on after!) and cruising in your stroller. Thankfully the weather is starting to  warm up so we can go to the park more on my last few weeks off of work!
Milestones: Baby dedication March 17th, your smiling now, sleeping through the night! 
Postpartum: Feeling pretty good, I had my 6 week check up and it was a great report! I'm still struggling to lose the last 10 pounds of baby weight. Other than that, feeling back to normal!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Baby Essentials - Month One!

Baby Essentials - Month One!

Baby Essentials - Month One! by kneal0503 

As a new mom, you learn about different products from your girlfriends - what worked and what didn't - so I definitely wanted to pass along the things we used and why we loved them so much! These are just a few of many that were MUST have's in our house during the first month Savannah Jane was here! 

Wubbanub - I mean these are the cutest pacifiers out there! Savannah Jane loves hers during the day (doesn't take it at night?!) She has a caterpillar and a pink dog. Not only are they adorable, but they are super easy to find when they fall out of her mouth.
Fisher-Price Snugabunny BouncerThis was a MUST have in our house the first few weeks Savannah was here. She was so little so she fit perfectly on this. It vibrates and plays lullabies or nature sounds. She still hangs out in it today!
Dr. Brown Natural Flow bottlesWe started out with the Phillips Avent bottles, but Savannah was experiencing lots and lots of gas. So we switched to Dr. Browns and have been so pleased! They totally reduce gas, spit up and overall fussiness after eating. Score! 
*PS They are really not as big of a pain to wash as everyone makes them out to be, promise!
Pampers Swaddlers - best diapers out there! (My opinion of course!)
Aveeno Baby - We have used just about all the different products they offer and love each and every one of them! SJ has sensitive skin - so these lightly scented or fragrance free products are perfect for her sweet skin.
Desitin - Another must have when SJ's hinney gets red!
Fisher Price Calming Waters Vibrating Tub - This was recommended to me by a fellow mommy friend and Savannah LOVES it! She just chills and is always calm and relaxed when bathing. The newborn sling is removable, so we will be able to use the tub until she transitions into the BIG tub. 
Kissy Kissy brand gowns - Literally she wore these every SINLGE night. When your getting up every 3 hours to feed your baby it makes life easier not having to snap all those darn buttons after a diaper change! Any minute saved for sleep in my book is worth it! They make them for boys as well.  

I will be posting our Month 2 Essentials next week to get back on track. I can't believe my sweet girl will be 2 months old this weekend! Where does time go?

Thursday, April 4, 2013