Thursday, September 27, 2012

20 Weeks - Half Way There!

How far along? 20 weeks - we are officially HALF way there - 140 days to go!
Size of Baby? A banana! 6.5 inches long and almost 11 ounces - we'll be hitting a pound here pretty soon! Clay compared Baby W to a 6" inch sub, haha. These measurements are based on the hiney to the head, so really Baby Watson is a bit longer - but hard to predict just how much!
Maternity clothes? Definitely a mix of non maternity and maternity.
Sleep:  That is hit or miss. Between bad/crazy/weird dreams and bathroom breaks, I feel like my total sleep is not nearly enough most nights.
Best moment this week: At the Titan's game this past Sunday, one of the guys that sits on our row asked how far along I am! He is the first stranger that has asked!
Miss Anything? My flat stomach and a cold sub sandwich
 Movement: I'm pretty certain I am feeling kicks, but I'm not exactly sure how you REALLY know what is what!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular really. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, hopefully I am passed that stage.
Gender: We find out TOMORROW! I have been waiting very patiently for this ;-)
 Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Not much going on these last two weeks. Tired a lot, but that could be because we have things planned almost every night of every week!
Belly Button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off? On, although when I go for my walks at night they are very hard to take off.
Mood: My mood has been great lately!
Looking forward to: That's a no brainer! Looking SO forward to getting to finally see Baby Watson. And of course finding out that night if we we're having a little girl or boy! Ah! It's going to be such a super special moment finding out at the SAME time as our family and close friends at the big reveal party!
As always, these "tricks" are not proven to be correct, but it's still super fun to consider, right? Let's see what the Old Wives' are saying:
Heart Rate: High, over 160 every visit - Girl
Morning Sickness: Lasted Longer than First Trimester - Girl
Food Cravings: Sweets - Girl
Husband Gaining Weight? Yes - Girl
Carrying: Low - Boy
Chinese Birth Chart: Boy
Ring on a String: Boy

Almost all of our friends and family think it's a girl, so we will find out in 24+ hours if mama's right, or everyone else is! Please say a prayer for our appointment tomorrow that all looks great, and baby Watson is as healthy as can be! We would appreciate it.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Life + Week 18

To say things have been normal lately, would be a lie. Life is just crazy and I'm loving every second! We have so much to do before the baby comes - yet it's just all very overwhelming. So, for now we have just been trying to enjoy our time together as much as possible and prepare ourselves for how much our life is going to change. How do you even do that!? We want to be the best parents possible and we want our child to be raised in a strong Christian family that always turns to God first. We want our attitude towards life to always be postive and constantly thankful from day one. We want our sweet baby to feel the love from the second they are born and they will. I can't wait!
Clay is going to Knoxville this weekend for the UT vs. FL game so I will be getting a few things done around the house, like painting and redecorating our dining room. My mom is going to help me recover our 6 dining room chairs with a fun fabric I found for curtains as well! Watch out for that post in the coming week or two! Maybe I can also squeeze in a pedicure too ;-) We'll see! On to the important stuff...
How far along? 18 weeks, 1 day - 153 days to go!
Size of Baby? Baby is the size of a sweet potato! Almost 6 inches and weighing in near 7 ounces..
Maternity clothes? It's sort of a mix - mainly my regular clothes with a few maternity pieces thrown in every once in a while.
Sleep:  Sleep is good whenever I'm not up going to the bathroom, it is SO hard to fall back asleep and I wake up at least 3-4 times per night.
Best moment this week: Finding furniture for the nursery! YAY! Also, I am feeling like I look pregnant more and more each day!
Miss Anything? Sushi makes the list again! I used to have it about once a month, so I am missing it quite a bit lately.
 Movement: Can't wait to say yes here, but not yet. The doctor said at my last appointment (2 weeks ago) that in the coming weeks I should start feeling little kicks.
Food cravings: Anything salty - string cheese, steak, potato - you name it!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular.
Gender: 2 weeks from today and we'll finally know if Baby W will be rocking the BLUE or pink. (I'm SO convinced it's a boy and mama's always right, right?!)
 Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Nothing much lately! Things have gotten much better. There still is the random nauseousness and of course the exhaustion all the time, but it's all manageable! Thank the Lord!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Mood: I'm getting so anxious to see baby Watson. I wish our doctors office allowed more than ONE ultrasound! BUT it has definitely been a great test of patience.
Looking forward to: Finishing up the details of the gender reveal party in two weeks! I have the invitation - just need to send them out and get to work on everything else. Lot's in the making friends!

Monday, September 10, 2012

17 Weeks Strong!

How far along? 17 weeks, 4 days - 157 days to go! I have been slacking at blogging on time. I am going to start doing a better job this week with 18 weeks =)
Size of Baby? Baby W is the size of an onion - over 5 inches and weighing in close to 6 ounces - so exciting!

Maternity clothes? Sticking with the usual for now.
Sleep: Other than my 3-4 bathroom breaks, my sleeping has been amazing lately!
Best moment this week: Just reminding myself what a miracle this is to actually have a human growing in my belly - a sweet baby that Clay and I will love more than we could imagine, ah chills! God is good.
Miss Anything? Being able to just throw on anything and go - now I have to see what fits!
 Movement: Not yet - so ready to feel something though!!
Food cravings: Cherry ice pops is all that comes to mind! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: We have found that Mexican food is the culprit for my getting sick. We'll test the theory over the next few days of passing on anything Mexican!
Gender: 18 more days - EVERYONE thinks it's a girl except for me!
 Labor Signs: Nada!
Symptoms: Not much this week - I have totally increased my exercising and water intake and that has helped relieve a lot of my nerve pain in my back.
Belly Button in or out? In! Hope it stays that way for awhile, eek!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Mood: Things have been good lately. Hopefully, I have finally reached the point in my second trimester where things turn for the best as far as sickness and fatigue.
Looking forward to: Having a baby bump - it still hasn't made it's debut yet. Looking just like a chunky monkey, not pregnant.

I hope everyone has an awesome week!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

16 Weeks - Cruisin' Right Along!

How far along? 16 weeks, 5 days - 163 days to go!
Size of Baby? Baby W is the size of an avocado. Almost 5 inches long and 3.5 ounces! So little, yet getting so big!
Maternity clothes? Mainly still wearing my non maternity dresses and belly band with pants. I'm scared to death to put try on my regular jeans. Yikes!
Sleep: Sigh, I fall asleep as soon as I hit the sheets, but I wake up several times throughout the night to go to the bathroom and have the hardest time going back to sleep. 
Best moment this week:  Getting to hear Baby W's heartbeat - strong in the 160's again!
Miss Anything? Having an occasion drink with dinner.
Movement: I'm not exactly sure! Sometimes I feel little flutters, but I can't tell whether they are kicks or just my tummy rumbling!
Food cravings:  Unfortunately for weeks now it's consistently been Chick Fila. I try to limit myself once every other week though.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Pretty much every morning I either throw up, or feel like I'm going to. I have officially prepared myself that I could possibly be sick until our sweet baby is born. So if it stops, great hallelujah! If not, I'll survive! =)
Gender: We were supposed to be going in next week (18 weeks) for the big ultrasound, but Vanderbilt merged with my doctors office  and their policy is 20 weeks, boo! Scheduled September 28th - I KNOW it's a boy =)
 Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Pretty much the same stuff as last week! Nausea, fatigue, when exercising outside puffy legs and fingers. Also, I asked my doctor Friday about this random pain in my lower back that causes extreme soreness and numbness in my leg and she informed me that Baby W is hitting my sciatic nerve. Fun fun!
Belly Button in or out?  In
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Mood: Staying positive! Being pregnant really is hard on a sistas body! Trying to prepare myself for these changes in the next few months....
Looking forward to: Start planning for our little gender reveal party - so excited to be able to have a date for it now (even if it is a month away!)