Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fall is SO Close I Can TASTE it!

Is it just me, or does anyone else check out Pinterest and then feel like a complete failure sometimes because you don't cook half the stuff you pin, your house isn't perfect like others and your outfits are near as cute?

Well friends, we just have to rememeber Pinterest is for ideas and inspiration! So stop feeling bad and get to work. Here are some recipes I WILL attempt in the coming weeks. Who knows, I might end up being one of those people with the hilarious failure pins - we'll see! ;-)
                                                             Pizza Grilled Cheese

                                             Better than Take Out Chicken Fried Rice
                                                    Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili
                                                          Brownie Mud Hen Bars

Happy Pinning!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Bumpdate - Week 15!

                                 Excuse the exhausted look, I was, well, EXHAUSTED!
How far along? 15 weeks, 1 day ... 174 days to go!
Maternity clothes? Yes, some bottoms for work and still going strong with the belly band on everything else!
Sleep: Um, sleep is still on my mind every second of every day, but when I do hit the hay  - I'm waking up several times from bad dreams and potty breaks to only not be able to go back to bed right away.
Best moment this week:  Heading to the first Titan's game of the season and just imagining that this time next year we will have a 6 month old sporting his/her LOCKER onesie jersey ;-)
Miss Anything? I miss my energy. It's a miracle Clay can drag me out of bed every morning. 
Movement: Nothing yet, hopefully soon!!!
Food cravings: Anything with carbs, clearly that's why I'm gaining weight like a champ.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  HAHA oh boy, nothing in particular, but when it hits, it hits!
Gender: Less than 3 weeks, we'll know the exact date next Thursday when we go to our 16 week check - up!
 Labor Signs: Oh geez, no! Way too soon for that.
Symptoms: Aside from the nausea and lingering exhaustion - random vomitting (gross, I know), occasional puffy legs & fingers and headaches. Fun, fun
Belly Button in or out?  In
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Mood: I'd love to say I have been pure joy, but I'm afraid my husband would strongly disagree with that some days!
Looking forward to: Getting to hear Baby W's heartbeat next week and scheduling our ultrasound to find out the gender - yippee! Thank you God for this amazing blessing =)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Baby W - Little Bit

We were so excited to finally shout it out this past weekend that we are pregnant! Keeping that one a secret was very hard. A little more detail then our quick and simple Facebook post...

During our kitchen renovations, one Saturday I had run to the store to pick up a few things {get out of working on those cabinets for as long as possible!} I picked up a test because I was several days late, just for giggles, thinking there was just no way. I got home and took the test and holy smokes it said PREGNANT! Well, I immediately started brainstorming of a fun way to share the news with my husband while trying not to freak out! My head was spinning. While he went to Lowe's for the 1,874,839,257th time - I flew up to Kohl's and found some little onesie's that said "I Love Daddy" and laid them out with the test. That was such a special moment for us to share! We were very serious about not sharing the news until we went to the doctor. So after our 8 week appointment we shared with our families, then our 2nd appointment at 12 weeks we shared with some friends, now everyone knows!
We just know that God blessed us and that our lives are going to completely change for the better. I already have such love for Baby Watson and I just pray everyday Clay and I can be half as good parents to our sweet baby as our parents have been to us!

I absolutely will be doing weekly "bumpdates" to track my progress and of course be able to look back one day and remember these sweet times! Even the nausea, throwing up and an exhaustion I never knew. It's all part of the process! Here we go!

How Far Along? 14 weeks today - 182 days to go! Wow - it's already going by so quick, but yet so slow =)
Size of Baby? The size of a lemon - 3.4 inches!
Maternity Clothes? Not yet. I bought a few maternity pieces for the fall though! They had me use a fake bump to try stuff on - it was hilarious! Right now, I am turning to dresses and the belly band for my pants.  Belly band = heaven sent
Weight Gain? 1 lb this week, up to 4lbs total - my least favorite part of this. My doctor recommended a weight gain schedule of 10lbs in week 1-20, then 1lb a week until week 40. We'll see how that goes!
Stretch Marks? Nope - not yet.
Gender? 4 more weeks until we know!!
Sleep? I have been sleeping like a baby (aside from the 2-3 bathroom breaks in the midle of the night), in fact sleeping is all I ever want to do! ZzzZzzZzz...
Food Cravings? Nothing as of late. One of my "eating issues" has been not being able to figure out what sounds good. Poor Clay, I'm sure I have been driving him crazy! 
What I Miss? Sushi
Symptoms? As mentioned earlier, constant nausea and exhaustion still.
Belly Button?  In
Best Moment of the Week? Getting to finally share with everyone that I have not just had one too many doughnuts, I am actually pregnant!!!