Size of Baby? She is somewhere around the 2 pound mark currently and approximately 14.5 inches long - wow, she's growing like a weed.

Maternity clothes? All bottoms, mix of tops and dresses
Sleep: Sleep surprisingly has gotten better! Once I got rid of my little sinus funk and could actually breath through my nose, I was set! As the days go by, I realize more and more how much I NEED sleep. I'm physically exhausted by the end of every day.
Best moment this week: Almost 2 weeks ago, definitely was the baby shower! This week's best moment was getting Savannah Jane's crib and dresser. Woo! Finally getting things done over here!
Miss Anything? Exercising like I used to, being able to paint my toe nails without getting winded because of my large belly and having a drink after a LONG day ;)
Movement: Oh yeah! My favorite part of every single day is when she is just kicking and punching her little heart out in there!
Movement: Oh yeah! My favorite part of every single day is when she is just kicking and punching her little heart out in there!
Food cravings: Any and everything really, the last couple weeks have brought on a new found hunger and the scale is certainly reflecting that - yuck!
Anything making you queasy or sick: My heartburn is the only issue currently involving getting sick. She better have a lot of hair like people say!
Gender: Little LADY!
Labor Signs: I'm not totally sure whether or not I have experienced Braxton Hicks or just serious, random cramping. Too much going on in there to really know!
Symptoms: HA - becoming "uncomfortable." My belly has grown SO much in the last two weeks that I'm really starting to experience what it means to BIG..
Belly Button in or out? TOTALLY in!
Wedding rings on or off? On, thankfully!
Mood: Two words = emotional wreck
Mood: Two words = emotional wreck
Looking forward to: My sister in law is due this coming Monday - I cannot wait to meet little Miss Sadie!!! Also, getting to spend lots of time with our families for Thanksgiving. It's always so nice to have everyone in town even if it's just for a few days! Oh and NEXT week I will be in my THIRD trimester, is this flying by or is that just me?!
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