What's the New Year without resolutions!? They are a little nontraditional, but none the less, resolutions! Here are my goals to achieve in 2012.
1. Spend more quiet time with the Lord daily. I have a new daily devotional book for 365 days that I can't wait to start come January 1. After-all, our lives are nothing without Him, so why not spend as much time as possible in His word?
2. Clay and I to be debt free, aside from the house and my car (and maybe a new car for Clay!) This goal is for the BEGINNING of the year, more like a "First Quarter Resolution" that we can't wait to knock out!
3. Although there are many home renovations we would like to tackle, realistically not all will be completed in the first year of us being married. So, the kitchen to be redone and the carpet upstairs replaced would be HUGE accomplishments and we certainly hope to have them completed this year! The sooner the better ;)4. Less texting, Facebook-ing, and Tweeting and more real conversations. The keyboard of my phone needs to go part-time instead of overtime!
5. This one may sound weird, but being more positive at all times and not allow the small, unimportant things to bother me. I more times than not, allow peoples negative words, or lazy actions effect me when honestly- who cares? Wish me luck on this one folks- I have a soft heart and I will need some extra prayers to get this one accomplished.
6. Become healthier. What a challenge this is. Although with relapsing again, this is a must. My 3 days a week work outs will need to be pushed to 4 or 5 and much more fruits and veggies! We'll see! Check back for updates on my progress....
So what are your 2012 resolutions? See you in 2012 folks!