Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Savannah Jane - 3 Months!

Weight: I'm guessing around 12 pounds - I think you have really just gotten longer since last month. We go to the doctor in June for your 4 month check up.
Medical Issues: Just the acid reflux, thankfully. We are going to start reducing your medication to see if you've grown out of it.Praying for the best!
Sleep: You sleep SO good baby girl! You get your last bottle at 9:45PM and wake up around 7:30AM. Woo!

Clothes: Still rocking the 0-3 months! Although you have the sweetest 6 month clothes - so what if your clothes are baggy, right? ;)
Visitors: TONS! You got to meet your Nanny for her big birthday celebration, lots of hanging out with your Aunt Tiff and cousins before I had to go back to work, Aunt Megan came in town and we got to celebrate Baby William with two showers. We can't wait for June for him to be here! Halie has come to visit you a bunch and of course you see both sets of your grandparents a lot :)
Diet: Breastmilk still. You take a 5 oz bottle at 7:30A, 10A, 1P, 4P, & 7P and a little 3oz bottle at 9:45P. We are in the process of pushing the 7PM bottle back a little and dropping the 9:45P bottle. My goal is around 4 months old.
We've went from 10PM, to 9:45PM and 5 oz bottles to 3 oz so I see us dropping it entirely soon! Thank you Babywise for telling this mama what to do! (and of course my sister in law, my go to person since Savannah Jane was 5 minutes old!)
Baby Gear Love: Activity mat, swing, Baby Einstein DVD, lots of repeats from last month!

Crying: You are the sweetest baby ever! You only cry when your hungry, tired or have a dirty diaper! Everyone goes on and on about how great you are. I hope you stay this sweet forever!
Likes: Eating your entire hands, leg lifts, being swaddled at night, cooing and laughing - you love to laugh! It's the cutest thing EVER!
-slept for over 9 hours straight on the 15th of April (and still do, PTL!)
-slept in your crib for the first time Wednesday May 1st
-mama going back to work Wednesday May 8th // you hanging out with Aunt Beth Anne every day
-we celebrated our first Mother's Day with together!! I am so blessed by you sweet girl!
Postpartum: Still battling weight loss - about 8 pounds to go to pre-pregnancy weight and 13 lbs to my goal weight! Also, going back to work has been a HUGE adjustment. I mean I went from spending every minute with my girl for 12 weeks straight to being gone from her until 4:30PM everyday! (She's asleep when I leave for work ;( ) I am so thankful to have had that time with her though!